
Abstract: In this research, the effect of authentic activities on the scientific process skills of 7th grade students was investigated. Research has been studied in a secondary school with 37 students in Turkey. In the research, authentic learning based education was carried out for 5 weeks in the 2017-2018 academic year. In this semi-experimental model, academic achievement and scientific process skills test, interview form, students' worksheets and observer notes were used as data collection tools. The quantitative data obtained were analyzed statistically in SPSS 20 program, and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. It was found that the quantitative data and the experimental and control groups differed statistically as a result of the application as an academic achievement, but did not differ according to the scientific process skill test results. With the qualitative data of this research, it was revealed that the students of the experimental group generally reflect the scientific process skills more than the control group students


  • Results of quantitative data Academic achievement test (AAT) and scientific process skills test (SPST) were applied to the students in the experimental and control groups as pre-test and post-test

  • As a result of the application, it was determined that there was a statistical difference in the AAT of the groups, but it did not differ according to the SPST results

  • It was stated that the scientific process skill average score of the experimental group was higher than the control group

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The word authentic can be expressed in terms such as the truth, the real, the original. Authentic learning is an approach that can be explained with these concepts. There are many definitions in the literature about authentic learning (Cholewinski, 2009; Holmes, 2005; Lombardi, 2007; Newmann & Wehlage, 1993; Reeves, Herrington & Oliver, 2002). When the definitions of these researchers about authentic learning are examined, the keywords of real life, task, activity and evaluation and process are common. It can be stated that the authentic learning method from these keywords is a teaching process consisting of tasks and activities that include real life situations and resulting in evaluation. Authentic activities are defined as interdisciplinary activities that students can make use of from various sources, which can take days, weeks or months that contribute to collaboration in students and result in real world evaluation (Reeves, Herrington & Oliver, 2002). It is seen that preparing an authentic avtivities is not an easy and one-way process

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