
Peoples with a diverse ethnic composition represent a considerable interest in ethnographic research aimed at identifying the connections and commonalities between individual peoples. Here it is possible to trace the relationship between peoples, interpenetration of their cultures in different historical periods. The Middle Volga region, being one of the multi-ethnic and multicultural regions of our country, provides a unique opportunity to explore the processes of formation and development of inter-ethnic communications. In particular, current problems of modern ethnographic science include the study of interethnic interactions, the analysis of which will significantly expand understanding of peoples’ historical destinies, identify common and special features in their material and spiritual culture. Studying the cultural interrelations of the peoples living in our country is of significant interest for elucidating not only the history of each nation individually, but the processes of cultural mutual enrichment as well. Beyond that, it makes it possible to identify the origins of historically established friendship between peoples. Cultural interrelations between the Mordovian and the Chuvash have a long history. Archaeological and ethnographic data show that these connections, which enriched the material and spiritual culture of both peoples, had an ancient basis and created favorable conditions for the development of friendship between the peoples. Ethnographic studying the traditional culture of the Mordovians living in the territory of Chuvashia, we recorded parallels in the traditional culture of the peoples under consideration. There are no special works on this scope of issues. That is why we consider studying the common features in the material and spiritual culture of the Moravians and the Chuvash to be important for the subsequent in-depth study of their ethno-cultural interactions.

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