
Location information plays a pivotal role in geographic routing protocols for packet routing. Network based services provide the location-based services with location information maintained in a distributed manner. In spite of their intimate association, location services and routing need to be considered separately. Hence, in the evaluation of the overheads of geographic routing, the resultant overhead of the location-based service is not reckoned. The projected purpose here is to integrate the protocols of routing and the services based on location, to minimize the routing overhead and latency in communication. Our chief contribution is the reduction of location overhead. We are proposed Geographic Routing Protocol is combined with the Grid Location Service. Instead of placing a request for exact position, the packet is sent to the earlier destination position. As the packet nears the former position, then the exact location is requested. Simulation results satisfactorily establish the complexity of the analysis and positive output regarding latency, the ratio of packet delivery and the overhead of control message.

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