
In Central Iran there are several cities along the Dehshir fault, which have similar geological conditions to that of the city of Bam prior to the 2003 earthquake (Mw 6.5), during which more than 30,000 lives were lost. Optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples were collected from the Dehshir fault in order to place constraints on its seismic history. The single aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose measurement protocol on coarse grained quartz extracts was used for this study. This SAR protocol had to be optimized for the low OSL sensitivity by varying both the preheat temperatures and test doses used. Dose recovery tests showed that given laboratory dose could be successfully recovered. However, replicate palaeodose ( D e) data were scattered and consequently ages based on mean D e's had large uncertainties. As this is thought to largely reflect poor bleaching conditions prior to sediment burial at the site, various statistical procedures were employed in conjunction with the stratigraphic knowledge of the site to try and extract more refined burial ages from the samples. From this the timing of the last earthquake was estimated around 2.0 ± 0.2 kyr. This refined age suggests that the earthquake catalogue of Iran is incomplete and more paleoseismological investigation is required to recognize and date the previous events of Dheshir fault.

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