
HD327083 is a member of a small group of supergiants exhibiting the B[e] phenomenon. It was found to be a binary system with an early-B and an early-F supergiant components. However the fundamental and orbital parameters of the system were not accurately known. We determined a new set of the system parameters that include the orbital period and the components’ masses using a combination of photometric and spectroscopic data. A new orbital period of 107.7 days was found from both the spectral line positional variations and the visual light curve. Absorption lines of the cool component show a radial velocity semi-amplitude of 48.3 kms −1 , similar to that of emission lines that originate around the hot component. The system shows partial eclipses. We estimated the components’ masses to be nearly equal and close to 6-8 M ? . The masses turned out to be smaller then the evolutionary masses that may be a consequence of a recent mass-transfer.

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