
Referendum as an Indicator of the Model of Local Democracy (with Particular Emphasis on the Local Referendum in the United States of America)
 A model approach to local democracy is proposed through this paper. It also refers to four models of local democracy – representative, hybrid, semi-direct, and direct. Each model is illustrated by an example anchored in one of the European nation states, with special attention payed to the referendum and its role in local decision making. The author formulates the hypothesis that the role of a referendum in American municipal corporations situates them in a model of semi-direct democracy and discusses the constitutional and statutory conditions of the local referendum in American states. The article also analyses the scope of referendum, in reference to the initiating players, issues put to the vote and procedures through several examples. It stresses upon the importance of judicial review. In conclusion, the author refers to the hybrid democracy model that emerges in state politics and juxtaposes it with semi-direct democracy in localities.

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