
Abstract In the absence of abundance indices from scientific surveys or commercial sources, reliable length frequency data from sampled commercial catches can be used to provide an indirect assessment of fishing mortality. Length-based indicators are simple metrics which describe length frequency distributions. The length-based indicator Lmax5%, the mean length of the largest 5% of individuals in the catch, combined with appropriately selected reference points, can be used to evaluate the presence of very large individuals in the catch and hence determine exploitation level. Using analytical per-recruit models, we derive reference points consistent with a spawning potential ratio of 40%. The reference points depend on the life history parameters for natural mortality, maturity, and growth (M, Lmat, L∞, k, CVL∞). Using available simulation tools, we investigate the sensitivity of the reference points to errors in these parameters and explore the usefulness of particular reference points for management purposes for stocks with different life histories. The proposed reference points are robust to uncertainty in length at first capture, Lc, and take into account the maturation schedule of a species. For those stocks with high M/k ratios (>1), Lmax5%, combined with the appropriate reference point, can be used to provide a data-limited stock assessment.

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