
We report on high-resolution measurements of the photoinduced ${L}_{1}{M}_{2}$ and ${L}_{1}{M}_{3}$ x-ray emission lines of ${}_{69}$Tm, ${}_{70}$Yb, ${}_{71}$Lu, ${}_{73}$Ta, ${}_{74}$W, ${}_{75}$Re, ${}_{77}$Ir, ${}_{81}$Tl, ${}_{83}$Bi, and ${}_{95}$Am. From the linewidths of the measured transitions an accurate set of ${M}_{2}$ and ${M}_{3}$ level widths is determined assuming for the ${L}_{1}$ level widths the values reported by Raboud [P.-A. Raboud $et$ $al.$, Phys. Rev. A 65, 022512 (2002)]. Furthermore, the present experimental ${M}_{2,3}$ data set is extended to ${}_{80}$Hg, ${}_{90}$Th, and ${}_{92}$U, using former ${L}_{1}{M}_{2,3}$ high-resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy measurements performed by our group. A detailed comparison of the ${M}_{2}$ and ${M}_{3}$ level widths determined in the present work with those recommended by Campbell and Papp [J. L. Campbell and T. Papp, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 77, 1 (2001)] and other available experimental data as well as theoretical predictions is done. The observed abrupt changes of the ${M}_{2,3}$ level widths versus atomic number $Z$ can be explained satisfactorily by the cutoffs and onsets of the ${M}_{2}{M}_{4}{N}_{1}$, respectively ${M}_{3}{M}_{4}{N}_{3,4,5}$ and ${M}_{3}{M}_{5}{N}_{2,3}$ Coster-Kronig transitions deduced from the semiempirical $(Z+1)$ approximation. As a spin-off result of this study, precise ${L}_{1}{M}_{2}$ and ${L}_{1}{M}_{3}$ transition energies are obtained for the investigated elements. A very good agreement with transition energies calculated within the many-body perturbation theory is found.

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