
In this chapter, we discuss the poor agreement between visuotopic maps described using electrophysiological and connectivity data and the subdivisions of the pulvinar based on chemoarchitecture. We focus on the differences and similarities between New and Old World monkeys to evaluate how this agreement evolved during evolution. There is some agreement in the localization of P1, described using electrophysiological and connectivity data, and the lateral and central portions of the nucleus pulvinaris inferior (PI), defined based on chemoarchitectural criteria. Similarly, there is some colocalization between P3 and the medial portion of PI in both New and Old World monkeys. One difference between primates refers to P2, which is present in the Old World macaque monkey but absent in the New World monkeys. P4, which has not been studied in all primates, shows a partial spatial agreement with the dorsal portion of the chemoarchitecturally defined PL.

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