
Research into energy models often has to rely on the functionality provided by legacy software that cannot correctly satisfy the needs of the researcher due to the request to perform tasks that were not provided by the developer during the creation of these products. To solve these problems, reengineering of legacy software is used. In particular, it was decided to reengineer software to solve the problem of flow distribution in the gas transmission system (GTS) and find bottlenecks in it with the aid of geographic information technology. The main disadvantages of the legacy software were the inability to add a new calculation scheme or modernize it, and the inability to use geocode. The reengineering methods applied involve: 1) analysing legacy software for module connectivity; 2) choosing a framework with the capability to develop geographic information systems; 3) reworking the architecture of the software module to implement the function of adding objects of the calculation model; 4) integrating software with an embedded database management system for compactness and the ability to save changes made. These solutions made it possible to update the software and give the researcher a convenient tool for creating and correcting calculation schemes using geographic information technologies for help. Geocoding support enables the expansion of the existing energy models by adding objects based on the data provided by geographic information services for the requested tag and the research to determine new optimal solutions for transporting energy resources.

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