
Reedbeds of Phragmites australis have declined in Europe in recent decades. Moreover, in some European countries the remaining reedbeds are intensively managed for industrial reed cutting, hunting or grazing. Several species of conservation concern, such as herons and pelicans, use reedbeds as their principal breeding habitat. At the same time, data on habitat use and colony size of these species in relation to reedbed management practices are scarce. We investigated habitat characteristics of 71 reedbeds occupied or unoccupied by breeding Purple Herons Ardea purpurea in the Rhône delta (Camargue) and in other Mediterranean coastal marshes in southern France. In addition, data on colony size in occupied reedbeds were collected from aerial surveys. Reedbeds occupied by breeding Purple Herons were unharvested, or only partially harvested, in winter and had higher water levels in spring compared with unoccupied reedbeds. A logistic regression model with reed harvesting intensity and water levels in mid‐April as independent variables correctly classified reedbed use for 94.7% of the reedbeds in the study. A model with water levels in mid‐April alone was only 90.9% accurate, suggesting that low water level in spring is the most important factor limiting reedbed occupation by breeding Purple Herons. A general linear model indicated significant effects of harvesting intensity and reedbed surface area on colony size. Within occupied reedbeds there was a strong tendency for colony size to increase with increasing reedbed surface area. Given the recent developments in reed harvesting and wetland management in southern France and elsewhere in Europe, these results provide the first information on potential effects of these practices on reed nesting herons, and suggest that Purple Heron conservation is likely to be favoured by maintaining large uncut reedbeds with relatively high water levels in spring. The possible effect of changes in habitat on the Purple Heron population in southern France is discussed.

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