
The article is dedicated to the relevance of the study is due to the fact that interdisciplinary theoretical studies in English and Kazakh linguistics make it possible today to determine the main directions related to translation, to determine the need to select specific patterns for adequate translation of materials in these languages, within the framework of general and particular linguistics. Clarification of the data of scientific research puts before scientists new ways of solving various issues in this area. In this regard, the methods and ways of transferring bilingual words into the Kazakh language create a number of prerequisites that are the basis of a number of valuable studies. There is no doubt that the adequacy of the transmission of paired English words and the definition of their equivalents in the Kazakh language are one of the urgent and complex problems facing linguistics today. Our study pays considerable attention to the peculiarities of their translation, which are the connecting link of literary and cultural ties and development between different peoples. Despite the fact that there are certain achievements in the field of translation, we still cannot deny the theoretical and practical significance of studying various works in this area. Therefore, work on the consideration of transformational models for the translation of paired words in English, although it does not completely eliminate the tasks set, an attempt to make a certain contribution in the search for solutions in this direction takes place. Given the numerous scientific works and modern works, there is an acute need to analyze scientific research on the specifics of paired words in foreign languages, including in English and the ways of their translation into Kazakh, which contribute to the strengthening and development of ties between the literature and culture of our country and other peoples. Key words: reduplication, semantics, functionality, word formation, expression, vocabulary, sociolinguistics, general linguistics, comparison.

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