
In this work the weft tensile stresses were measured during picking on the following high production weaving machines : - Air jet weaving machine L 5100 – 2m X 850 p.p.m. - Projectile weaving machine P7100 – 4 m X 350 p.p. m. - Rapier weaving machine G6100 - 2m x 450 P.P.m.. The values of weft tensile stresses were recorded under the effect of the following parameters: - Surface characteristic of weft yarn. - Position of yarn on spinning cops. - Air pressure of multi-nozzels and duration of picking on air jet weaving machine. It was found that the waxed weft yarns have a reduction in the tensile stresses of about 30 % and 40 % during picking on projectile- and rapier- weaving machine respectively. By picking on air Jet weaving machine the waxed weft yarns have no influence on the reduction of weft tensile stresses but act to reduce the air pressure of the main nozzel by about 12 %. The value of weft tensile stresses decreases with decreasing the air pressure of multi-nozzels and increasing the duration of picking on air jet weaving machine. The value of weft tensile stresses is low by picking the yarn from the upper layers in the cop and increases toward the yarn from the cop base.

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