
AbstractThe feasibility of use of lupins, oats and field peas as alternative rotation crops to reduce inoculum of the take‐all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) (under Western Australian field conditions) and disease in following wheat was investigated with a one year field trial, the soil from which was used in two succeeding pot experiments. The possible mechanisms of reduction of inoculum and disease by these crops were examined testing the soil for pathogen and disease suppression. Rotation with lupins or oats for two seasons reduced (P <0.05) inoculum of the take‐all fungus and lupins, oats or field peas reduced (P <0.05) disease in following wheat. Lupins alone reduced inoculum and disease, (P <0.1) after one season. No apparent suppression of the pathogen in the absence of host plants was recorded after one season of rotation, but after two seasons, lupins, oats or field peas all suppressed (P <0.02) growth of the pathogen within soil. However only field pea soil suppressed take‐all in comparison with the wheat control.Although after two seasons all rotation crops were effective in reducing inoculum and disease the mechanisms of reduction appear to differ between the rotation crops used in this study.

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