
Preparation, characteristic, and activity of CuO/γ-Al2O3 as re-generable SO2 adsorbent have been studied. The model gas containing SO2 of about 2,500 mg/m3 (700 mmHg, and 27 °C) was made to simulate the flue gas from combustion of algae biomass: Enteromorpha and Chlorella. Experiments were carried out in a tubular reactor electrically heated to maintain adsorption temperature of 300, 350, 400 or 450 °C. Amount of adsorbent was 1, 2, 4, or 8 g, and the gas flow rate was set at 1.21 L/min (700 mmHg, and 27 °C). Adsorbent with CuO content of about 7.5%-mass could adsorb SO2 successfully and release the outlet gas with a SO2 concentration to meet the national standard of SO2 emission of 750 mg/Nm3. Naturally, the more amount of adsorbent in the reactor, the more complete conversion of SO2 and the lower utilization of CuO.

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