
The research is designed to reduce production lead time using Value Stream Mapping (VSM). The purpose of this lean tool is to uncover the wastes in supply and production process by separating value-adding and non-value-adding steps first and then reduce non-value added steps. A map shows the current state of the operation is drawn first using the time and flow data. By this non-value added actions are recognized and the waste of time and resources between the steps are also identified. To reduce lead time and streamline the process the map is analyzed. The lead time can be reduced by taking some actions or applying some lean tools. Value adding time in the whole process increases and the process production lead time decreases after reducing the wastes. A future state map is made with new and improved processes. Future state map makes the reformed process more effective and more efficient. It comprises the developments through some value stream symbols used only for this mapping. Bata, a leading shoe company was selected for this research work. To draw the current state map, data was collected from the floor. The wastes identified then which were waiting, motion, inventory & transport. The lean tools that were suggested to apply for reducing these wastes were Kanban, Kaizen, Safety Stock and some manpower adjustment. Kanban is a method to achieve JIT, a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view and also an inventory control system. Safety stock represents an inventory hedge against problems such as downtime, to protect the system against sudden fluctuations in customer orders or system failures. And Kaizen is the small and continuous improvement methods. The result of the research was quite remarkable as this decreases the lead time by around 8% and increases the capacity by 8.8%. It is feasible to use value stream map in the current situation.

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