
Chilling injury in Marsh grapefruit during storage at 1�C was reduced 61% by dipping in hot water(50�C) for 2 min before storage. The fungicide thiabendazole (TBZ) at 1000 mg/L applied as a cold dip(14�C) reduced the susceptibility of these fruit to chilling injury by 28% over an 8-week storage period. Susceptibility of Washington navel oranges to chilling injury was reduced 65% after dipping in hot TBZ (50�C) for 2 min. Wax application and prestorage curing for 1 week at 20�C also reduced chilling injury damage. Where there is a risk of chilling injury in fruit to be disinfected against fruit fly, the risk can be reduced by dipping in a hot TBZ suspension at 50�C. A thorough application of wax has also been shown to reduce the I susceptibility of citrus fruit to chilling injury.

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