
t m Zygomatic bone, which protrudes on both sides of the midface, plays an important role in determining the facial impression. Many esthetic differences regarding the malar prominence exist between Asians and whites. In the West, augmentation malarplasty s performed mainly because a slightly prominent alar is believed to be esthetically pleasing. In ontrast, in the East, a prominent malar is believed o project an aggressive and unpleasing impression, articularly for women. Therefore, many reduction alarplasty procedures have been developed. For eduction malarplasty, bone shaving, infracture, and I-shaped and L-shaped osteotomy methods ave been used. Of these techniques, an I-shaped osteotomy can e used for a moderate or severe malar promience. This is an effective and safe method for educing the anterior zygoma with no damage to he maxillary sinus. This method, however, can esult in insufficient bone reduction ( 5 mm) and isturb the middle 0.333 of the zygoma (the most rominent area). An L-shaped osteotomy can be used for severe malar protrusion. The fracture line

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