
This study aimed to reduce WBV transmitted to taxi drivers and occupants of Peugeot 405 by providing optimal tire inflation pressure. This experimental study was carried out on Peugeot 405 taxi manufactured by Iran Khodro Co. in Iran. Vibration characteristics were measured three times, in combined statuses of tire inflation pressure, type of gas used to inflate tires, presence or absence of tubes in tires, and car speed, according to ISO 2631-1 using SVAN 958A as a vibration analyzer with a calibration certificate. Tire temperature was also measured using an IR BE550 thermometer in each combined status. Then, the data were analyzed. The results showed an A (8) value of 0.99 (m / s2) at a tire inflation pressure of 30 PSI for Peugeot 405. The A (8) value decreased with reducing tire inflation pressure (P value<0.001). The A (8) value at an inflation pressure of 28 psi was reported to be 21% lower than that at an inflation pressure of 30 psi. There was an inverse correlation between tire temperature and tire inflation pressure (P value<0.001). The average tire temperature increased with reducing tire inflation pressure. However, no significant difference was found between the mean tire temperatures at tire inflation pressures of 28 psi and 30 psi (P value<0.05). In general, there were significant differences between tire temperatures at tire pressures below 28 psi compared with those at pressures above 28 psi, and higher tire temperatures were reported at pressures below 28 psi. The study results showed that the exposure of Peugeot 405 taxi drivers to WBV exceeds the permissible limits and it can be reduced below the permissible limits by providing a tire inflation pressure of 28 psi. A tire inflation pressure of 28 psi is recommended to replace the pressure recommended by car makers (30 psi).

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