
This company is a company engaged in wood processing. The product produced by this company is wooden pallets. The problems that are found by this company is waste in the production process that are the high defective producs and non value added activities The average disability percentage of wood pallets is 7.52% of the total production per month. The value exceeds the disability tolerance of the company that is 5%. This study proposes to reduce the number of defective products and eliminates non value added activities through design improvement. This problem can be solved by using Lean Six Sigma approach which is a combination of the Lean and the Six Sigma concept with the DMAIC method by providing improvements to increase the number of defective products and eliminate non value added activities. By using the Lean Six Sigma method can provide lean metrics and sigma level calculation values. Based on actual study, the result for the lead time is 212.58 minutes, the process cycle efficiency is 64.40%, the process velocityis 0.0041 processes / hour. Based repair 70.73%, process velocityis 0.0035 processes / hour.

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