
Web caching and Web Prefetching are the areas for the research in Web Mining. Web Prefetching improves the performance of the Web Caching techniques due to prediction of the user pages in advance before the user requests. Both techniques provide the web pages local to the user; they provide the resources of web for user's ease and access. Web caching is limited due to its size. Web prefetching is the process of accessing the web objects before the user's request. Whenever a client requests before accessing the web page a prediction is made for accessing that web page. All the web objects are brought from server to the client. The access to the web objects are on the basis of the data prefetched from the server. This research focused on when a user requests for a web page, how to improve the overall performance of web prefetching mechanism? The proposed mechanism provides the pages locally available to a user or group of users by utilizing bandwidth of the network. The server contains an algorithm for the prediction of web pages and the prediction of a web page is based on counting the number of times a page is accessed by a user from each cluster.

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