
Abstract The concept of the digital divide is becoming more and more complex as access to computers and the use of computers, changes over time. When the existence of a “digital divide” first emerged, it revolved around access to computers and related technologies. The high cost of computers and related technologies creates a large divide between people who could afford them, and who had access to all the advantages of Information technology in general, and those who could not. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) have become an indispensable tool for businesses. Competitiveness and productivity depend on them. Cloud Computing has also generated new business opportunities for companies that have understood the key to this new social and commercial space. Cloud Computing on education can bridge the knowledge divide, the resource divide and the digital divide, teachers could be empowered under the cloud warning. It can be on devices, notebook, e-book and cell-phone. Cloud Computing in order to reduce digital divide has come as a friendly way to provide computer applications to users without the need for those users to purchase, install or support software on their local computers and/or servers. This research will cover the facts and issues discovered into the Digital Divide, after exploring details and points of views from experts. Also, this research will provide two models and one framework to describe, explain and finally reduce the gap or as most of the researchers has been looking for building a bridge in order to reduce the digital divide. Since computers and, later, the Internet became popular and came to our business, there has been a different degree of acceptance thereof by the people. The variety of profiles ranging from the 'early adopter', that is one that is to last forever in this new technology, to the 'allergic' to the computer, because they do not know how to use password to login and/or prefers to work as they always have done. Is not the first time we hear about people who cannot make simples actions in a computer because their capabilities are very low. I'm talking about everyday situations, rather than more complex ones such as maintenance of machinery. This research will treat the Cloud Computing concept as a tool to Reduce Digital Divide; the digital divide will be related to issues of educational access to the benefits of digitalization and the capabilities of a group of students in three different high school centers to use ICT appropriately and contribute to sustainable development.

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