
The effect residential treatment outcomes have on recidivism rates for children and adolescents lack attention in the research literature. More importantly, literature is scant as it pertains to community reintegration for adolescent sexual offenders who are discharged from residential treatment programs to community based treatment services. This reintegration process will further build self-esteem and a sense of belonging, thus reducing the likelihood of adolescent sexual offenders isolating from their peer group, becoming frustrated with finding their place in society, and consequently relying on criminal behaviors as a social outlet. Many of the young male adolescent sexual offenders report feeling isolated from their peer group; most internalized phobias and feelings associated with societal labels and stereotypes about individuals who commit sexual crimes. Other important information collected during the qualitative interview process included the adolescent feelings associated with family conflict. Much of the research in reference to adolescent sexual offenders suggests their victims are often family members, siblings, relatives, family friends, and neighbors. This article aims to add the significant issue of treatment interventions for adolescent sexual offenders to the literature base as well as offer helpful strategies to reduce recidivism rates in this population of youth offenders. New findings and outcomes suggest that transition of this unique population should begin at the time of admission into residential treatment as part of discharge planning. This innovative way of thinking and doing will allow the young offenders' time to make the difficult adjustment while receiving intensive residential base intervention services.

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