
Water supply has been a growing regional issue in the Tampa Bay area for the past several decades. The population of the City of Tampa and surrounding Hillsborough County has continued to grow over the past 5 years. As a consequence, the area has experienced significant increases in potable water demand. The resulting strain on regional water resources has sent a strong message that individual utilities should implement comprehensive water management programs. These programs include a range of conservation measures to manage customer demand coupled with accurately accounting for and managing water losses as water is transported from raw sources through treatment, transmission and distribution systems. The City of Tampa Water Department (TWD) has a supply capacity of over 140 million gallons per day and supplies treated potable water to a population of over 500,000 within the Tampa Water Department service area. TWD's service area covers 211 square miles and includes 2,230 miles of transmission/distribution system water mains, 4 major re-pump stations, in-ground storage tanks, ground storage tanks and elevated storage tanks. TWD's primary surface water supply is the Hillsborough River Reservoir. All surface water is treated at the David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility (DLTWTF). By permit, the City cannot withdraw more than an 82 MGD from the Hillsborough River Reservoir on an annual average basis. Demand in excess of 82 MGD is supplied through an interconnection with the Tampa Bay Water supply network where water is purchased under the terms of the interlocal agreement. There is a significant water cost differential with water produced at the DLTWTF and water purchased from Tampa Bay Water. As a result of continued population growth, the average daily flow is now approaching and will soon exceed the 82 MGD permit limitation thus requiring increasing amounts of water to be purchased from Tampa Bay Water at the greater unitary rate.

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