
This paper presents the Philippine experience in implementing the Home, School, and Community Food Production (HSCFP) and Nutrition Education impact programmes of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN). It describes some of the HSCFP and Nutrition Education models, programmes, and projects that have been implemented to address micronutrient malnutrition. When possible, the paper also presents indications of programme effectiveness. Some evaluation studies have proven the effectiveness of these models in improving either nutritional status or levels of knowledge and practice of nutrition. The lessons learned in implementing these models have also left a wealth of experience to build on. Sustaining and going to scale with these models are major challenges to be overcome for both the HSCFP and the Nutrition Education impact programmes. The paper stresses that addressing micronutrient malnutrition cannot be isolated from efforts to ensure food security. Thus, agricultural research should always have a nutritional perspective or mindset that automatically asks, “What would be the potential positive and negative effects on nutritional problems? On groups most affected by malnutrition?”

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