
Diagnostic Therapeutic Pathways (DTPs) are multidisciplinary plans designed by each healthcare organization for a specific category of patients to reduce the variability of professional behaviors and to ensure greater safety and better overall healthcare outcomes. Hip fractures are a frequent traumatic injury, particularly in the elderly, and DTPs recommend early surgical intervention, often not done due to organizational challenges and bureaucracy. Medical conditions suggesting a delay are not frequent, however long waiting times not only increase the risk of complications and mortality, but also increase the number of diagnostic test and physician consultations. This study tried to understand the benefits of performing surgical intervention within 48 hours in terms of cost savings, reduction of complications and better overall outcomes. We performed statistical analyses on data gathered from 130 patients submitted to DTPs, and we evaluated the benefits obtained by operating within 48 hours in terms of resource saving (number of physician consultations, hospitalization days, etc.), reduction in complications reported in the literature. About 40% of clinical records of femoral fractures from 2015 at the Cosenza General Hospital were used in our statistical analysis taking into account independent variables such as age, sex,surgery waiting times and ASA (e.g. American Society of Anesthesiologists) score. Additionally, dependent variables such as: the type of complications during the hospital stay (e.g. infections, delirium, etc), days of hospitalization, and number of physician consultations were considered. The average waiting time for surgical intervention was 5.48 days (132 hr). Patients with ASA score of 4 had a greater chance of complications (p-value 0.03), whereas patients operated within 48 hours avoided complications, and spent fewer days in the hospital. The ASA score value correlated positively with the number of physician consultation, as the ASA score increased in number, so did the number of physician consultations. Moreover, each additional day of waiting increased the possibility of physician consultation by approximately 13. The lack of available hospital beds and staff shortages are the main reasons for the delay in performing surgery, this situation does not allow an efficient treatment and timely release of patients from the healthcare system. Therefore, there is an important need to implement standardized orthopedic and geriatric pathways (DTPs), inspired by the collaboration between healthcare system management, orthopedic and geriatric specialists, and physical therapists, to drive shorter days of hospitalization and better overall patient health outcome by performing surgery as soon as possible.

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