
Pediatrics are often regarded as a "victim" of the German Diagnosis related Groups (G-DRG) system because the economic situation of many pediatric hospitals has deteriorated since the introduction of the G-DRG system in 2004. This is often attributed to an insufficient case mix of pediatric diagnoses. It is unknown if revenues are lost due to an insufficient qualification of coding staff. All members of the German Society of Pediatric Hospitals and Departments (GKinD) were invited to an online survey by e-mail. 177 (52%) of the 340 german children's hospitals delivered complete questionnaires. 52% of the hospitals employed codings staff that had no additional clinical duties. Coding staff had no specific professional training and did not undergo specific ongoing education in 47 and 32% of the hospitals, respectively. During absence, 35% of coding staff a no substitute or a non-pediatric substitute. 2,8% of the senior physicians judged the established structures as "bad" or "very bad". In many german children's hospitals, diagnoses are documented by coding staff with an insufficient qualification. This is associated with the risk of inaccurate or incomplete coding and can threaten the economic success of the hospital. The senior physicians are satisfied with the established coding structures, thus they might be unaware of the great economic potenzial of improvements of the coding quality. The economic situation of german children's hospitals could be significantly improved by recruitment of qualified, full-time coding staff.

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