
It is well-known that matrix effects in high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) can seriously compromise quantitative analysis and affect method reproducibility. Paired ion electrospray ionization (PIESI) mass spectrometry is an approach for analyzing ultra-low levels of anions in the positive ion mode. This approach uses a structurally optimized ion pairing reagent to post-column associate with the anionic analyte, subsequently forming positively charged complexes. These newly formed complex ions are often more surface-active as compared to either the native anion or the ion pairing reagent. No studies have examined whether or not the PIESI approach mitigates matrix effects. Consequently, a controlled study was done using five analytes in highly controlled and reproducible synthetic groundwater and urine matrices. In addition, two different mass spectrometers (linear ion trap and triple quadrupole) were used. Compared to the negative ion mode, the PIESI-MS approach was less susceptible to matrix effects when performed on two different MS platforms. Using PIESI-MS, less dilution of the sample is needed to eliminate ionization suppression which, in turn, permits lower limits of detection and quantitation.

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