
Neosalanx taihuensis is an important zooplanktivorous commercial fish that has been widely introduced into Chinese freshwaters. Introduction of this species has induced decline and even extinction of native fish species in some waters. In this study, impacts of N. taihuensis introduction on growth and reproductive characteristics of an indigenous zooplanktivorous fish Hemiculter leucisculus were investigated by comparing population traits of the latter species in two reservoirs that differ only in whether N. taihuensis has been introduced. Huangshi Reservoir (HSR) and Mengquan Reservoir (MQR) are geographically proximate and display similar nutrient regimes and native fish faunas, but N. taihuensis has been stocked only in HSR. Populations of H. leucisculus in both reservoirs consisted of three age groups, ranging from age 1 to 3. Standard length (SL), body weight and back-calculated SL-at-age of H. leucisculus in HSR were significantly less than in MQR for both males and females in each age group. Female H. leucisculus also tended to produce fewer and smaller eggs (indicated by lower absolute fecundity, gonad weight and smaller egg diameter) in HSR than in MQR for each age group. We suggest that reduced growth and reproductive investment by H. leucisculus in HSR are likely the result of N. taihuensis introduction.

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