
Cardiac pacemaking results from the generation of spontaneous action potentials (APs) by specialized myocytes in the sinoatrial node (sinoatrial myocytes, SAMs). These APs are produced by the coordinated activity of a number of different ion channels, including hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-sensitive (HCN) channels and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Across all mammalian species, the maximum heart rate that can be elicited by stress or exercise decreases with age. However, little is known about age-related changes in the intrinsic excitability of SAMs. In this study, we examined differences in heart rate in young (<3 mo) versus old (>32 mo) mice, and the corresponding differences in spontaneous AP firing rate and ionic currents in isolated SAMs from young versus old animals. ECG measurements in vivo confirmed previous observations of age-related reductions in maximum heart rate and intrinsic heart rate (i.e., in the absence of autonomic input). Current clamp recordings from acutely isolated SAMs revealed age-related deficits in spontaneous AP firing rate that mirrored the age-related changes in heart rate; the basal AP firing rate was significantly slower in SAMs from elderly animals, and maximal stimulation with 1 μM isoproterenol (Iso, a β adrenergic agonist) resulted in a slower average maximum firing rate in SAMs from old mice. To explore the mechanistic bases of these age-related deficiencies in sinoatrial AP generation, we have recently begun voltage-clamp recordings of hyperpolarization-activated currents and voltage-gated calcium currents from isolated SAMs from young and old mice. To date, we have found significant reductions in Ca2+ current density in cells from older animals. These studies may provide mechanistic information about fundamental processes that limit the physical capability of the elderly.

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