
The expression “COVID-19” has been the fiercest but most trending Google search since it first appeared in November 2019. Due to advances in mobile technology and sensors, Healthcare systems based on the Internet of Things are conceivable. Instead of the traditional reactive healthcare systems, these new healthcare systems can be proactive and preventive. This paper suggested a framework for real-time suspect detection based on the Internet of Things. In the early phases of predicting COVID-19, the framework evaluates the existence of the virus by extracting health variables obtained in real-time from sensors and other IoT devices, in order to better understand the behavior of the virus by collecting symptom data of COVID-19, In this paper, four machine learning models (Random Forest, Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neural Network, and Artificial Neural Network) are proposed, these data and applied as a machine learning model to obtain high diagnostic accuracy, however, it is noted that there is a problem when collecting clinical fusion data that is scarce and unbalanced, so a dataset augmented by Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was used. Several algorithms achieved high levels of accuracy (ACC), including Random Forest (99%), and Decision Tree (99%), K-Nearest Neighbour (98%), and Artificial Neural Network (99%). These results show the ability of GANs to generate data and their ability to provide relevant data to efficiently manage Covid-19 and reduce the risk of its spread through accurate diagnosis of patients and informing health authorities of suspected cases.

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