
In bacillithiol (BSH)-utilizing organisms, protein S-bacillithiolation functions as a redox switch in response to oxidative stress and protects critical Cys residues against overoxidation. In Bacillus subtilis, both the redox-sensing repressor OhrR and the methionine synthase MetE are redox controlled by S-bacillithiolation in vivo. Here, we identify pathways of protein de-bacillithiolation and test the hypothesis that YphP(BrxA) and YqiW(BrxB) act as bacilliredoxins (Brx) to remove BSH from OhrR and MetE mixed disulfides. We present evidence that the BrxA and BrxB paralogs have de-bacillithiolation activity. This Brx activity results from attack of the amino-terminal Cys residue in a CGC motif on protein BSH-mixed disulfides. B. subtilis OhrR DNA-binding activity is eliminated by S-thiolation on its sole Cys residue. Both the BrxA and BrxB bacilliredoxins mediate de-bacillithiolation of OhrR accompanied by the transfer of BSH to the amino-terminal cysteine of their CGC active site motif. In vitro studies demonstrate that BrxB can restore DNA-binding activity to OhrR which is S-bacillithiolated, but not to OhrR that is S-cysteinylated. MetE is most strongly S-bacillithiolated at Cys719 in vitro and can be efficiently de-bacillithiolated by both BrxA and BrxB. We demonstrate that BrxA and BrxB function in the reduction of BSH mixed protein disulfides with two natural substrates (MetE, OhrR). These results provide biochemical evidence for a new class of bacterial redox-regulatory proteins, the bacilliredoxins, which function analogously to glutaredoxins. Bacilliredoxins function in concert with other thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases to maintain redox homeostasis in response to disulfide stress conditions.

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