
With ever greater numbers of fundoplications being undertaken, inevitably there will be an increase in the number of failed fundoplications, which will be considered for operative revision. This study was undertaken to compare the hospital costs of and outcomes after "redo" fundoplications to those of "first time" fundoplications. Patients undergoing anti-reflux surgery were prospectively followed. From 2000 to 2006, costs of and outcomes after 76 "redo" fundoplications were compared with 76 concurrent "first time" fundoplications. Prior to and after fundoplication, patients scored the frequency and severity of many symptoms, including dysphagia, chest pain, regurgitation, choking, and heartburn, using a Likert scale (0 = none/never, 10 = severe/always). The cost of care, including medical equipment, operating room expenses, and anesthesia was determined with standardization to 2006 cost and dollars. Data are presented as median (mean +/- standard deviation) where appropriate. Prior to "redo" fundoplications, patients reported significantly greater dysphagia frequency and severity scores and significantly greater chest pain severity. DeMeester scores for patients undergoing "redo" fundoplications versus "first time" fundoplications were similar (45 (62 +/- 55.6) versus 39 (44 +/- 27.7)). After fundoplication, dysphagia frequency and severity significantly improved for all patients. Length of stay was significantly longer for patients requiring "redo" fundoplications [3 d (6 +/- 8.5) versus 1 d (3 +/- 7.6)]. Hospital costs for patients undergoing "redo" fundoplications were significantly greater. Patients requiring re-operative fundoplications report more frequent and severe symptoms, especially of dysphagia, when compared with patients undergoing "first-time" fundoplications. Laparoscopic "redo" fundoplications are technically challenging, more expensive, and more morbid (e.g., longer hospital stays). However, symptoms of reflux and dysphagia are ameliorated with "redo" fundoplications and application of "redo" fundoplication is warranted.

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