
According to the rubbings of Longmen prescription rubbings collected in Shaanxi muse-um of medical history, it is found that there are problems appeared regarding the confusion of different size of the words, imprecision of its first line, differences between the deciphering of individual word and original text in reading D paragraph inscription of Longmen prescriptions in the past works. The Longmen prescrip-tion rubbings can make up for the deficiency of the previous research data to further study the inscription of Longmen prescriptions. Consequently, literature recording can serve as the evidence in deciphering the orig-inal text of the stone inscription, but only the original stone inscription and its rubbings can reflect the more real aspect of stone inscription of Longmen prescription. The important functions of relics such as original stone inscription rubbings are absolutely not to be ignored. Key words: Longmen prescription; Stone inscription rubbing; Longmen stone inscription

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