
On Sunday, January 16, 1955, I had made an appointment with my friend, Mrs. Sammy Ledbetter, to help relocate a colony of Gaultheria procumbens L., a plant nearing its southern limit in northeastern Georgia, and extremely rare in this area. Two weeks previously I had searched for it and became lost in this rugged mountainous area. On our return from a successful collecting trip, Mrs. Ledbetter asked me to look at a plant growing on the road-bank in front of their summer cottage. You can imagine my delight and surprise to see greatly indebted to Mr D J. Hagenah for supi g information about specime s in the herbaria of ranbr ok Ins i ute and of the University of Michi. The field work and phyto eographic research ich ade thi study possible have been supported by ts from the R search Council of Ontario and from niversity of T ronto. 104

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