
The use of a product is one of the success criteria of information technology (IT) product development, including a web-based application. It can be seen from the usability of the product, how users use the application. Two important issues of product usability are related to the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) issues. This research was conducted to investigate the UX of a web-based application and then redesign its UI based on the Goal-Directed Design (GDD) method. The reason for using this method is to understand the goals, needs, and characteristics of users and to produce user interface design recommendations that are following the needs and objectives of the website which is the case study. The six phases of the GDD method carried out are preliminary research employing the cognitive walkthrough, system usability scale (SUS), and structured interview techniques, modeling, requirements, frameworks, refinement, and support. The results show that overall values of the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction attributes in the post-redesign evaluation were increased around 30% from the initial evaluation in the preliminary study stage.

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