
In 1997 the South Carolina Botanical Garden determined the need to reevaluate and update the 1989 Botanical Garden Master Plan. The original comprehensive plan presented recommendations for the long-term development of the site and the facilities of the garden. Significant changes and new programs have arisen since the 1989 Master Plan was completed. Because of the new direction of programs such as the South Carolina Heritage Corridor, Southern Living Home, Conservatory and Outdoor Sculpture Program, it was necessary to develop an updated design strategy to incorporate these future plans into the South Carolina Botanical Garden. Programmatically, the idea of the South Carolina Botanical Garden is to find solace in the garden, to find a retreat from the pressures of everyday life and create a somewhat idyllic world while setting an environment for cultural and botanical conservation. The goal was allowing visitors to move throughout the garden without endangering the existing and established ornamental and native flora as well as educating its visitors. It is on this framework that the Botanical Garden Master Plan is based. The design methodology used in the development of the master plan began with staff meetings, research and site analysis. Design concepts, circulation alternatives and final design choices evolved out of subsequent staff meetings and design reviews. A booklet was also published for future development and fund raising. My presentation will outline the goals, methodology, design decisions and concepts that shaped the final master plan for the South Carolina Botanical Garden.

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