
The cost of poor Quality would help in analyzing the operating costs for effective and profitable business management. . In the era of cut throat competition, especially in automobile sector, success of an organisation resides in its ability to respond quickly to the needs of its customers. These customer needs must be attended with minimum manufacturing costs, minimum lead time to launch the product in market and delivering better performance than the existing competitors in the market.success achieved by market leaders is credited to their improvement initiatives. The customer needs must be attended with minimum manufacturing costs, and delivering better performance than the existing competitors in the market. Therefore, Indian companies in order to compete with global companies, it is very much essential to be at par, in all spheres of business aspects. Cost and Quality are two very important aspects to be globally competitive, to capture market share, to retain customers to be in business and to achieve business excellence. In the present times Six Sigma Methodology and QC Story are very famous and powerful tools and are widely used in the global industries. The increase in demand of the growing customer looking for a better quality of product has compelled corporations to adopt Six Sigma in order to improve the quality for enhanced competitive advantage. Therefore, it is very much essential to understand relation between six sigma and cost of quality and its application in automobile industry.

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