
The geometrid moth genus Rhodostrophia Hübner, 1823 belongs to the subfamily Sterrhinae, which presently contains 73 species (Parsons et al. 1999, Sihvonen & Nupponen 2005, Trusch & Hausmann 2007). The genus ranges from Europe, North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to Taiwan, with focal diversity in western and central Asia; three species occur in Chile (Trusch & Hausmann 2007). Diagnostic characters for Rhodostrophia include: forewing with double areole (cf. fig. 11), R2–R4 stalked, R5 from apex of second areole; hindwing with Rs and M1 stalked, M3 and CuA1 usually separate; long quadripectinate male antenna with four thin branches arising from each flagellomer (pectinations reaching antennal tip); frons slightly convex, length of palpi equal to or slightly exceeding diameter of eye (Hausmann 2004; venation terminology after Scoble 1995).

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