
A reexamination of the holotype frontoparietal of Pelobates praefuscus Khosatzky, 1985 from the Pliocene of Moldova and an investigation of newly referred frontoparietal reveal previously unknown characters for this species. P. praefuscus, considered a synonym of Pelobates fuscus, is regarded here as a separate species. It differs from P. fuscus in the presence of frontoparietal-squamosal contact and medial position of the foramen arteriae occipitalis and from all extant Pelobates in having the arteria orbitonasalis open posteriorly. The last character, previously known only in early Miocene Pelobates, is shown to be present in late Miocene and early Pliocene congeners, whereas in late Pliocene–Pleistocene congeners, the posterior part of the arteria orbitonasalis generally is covered ventrally by bone.

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