
SYNOPSIS Examination of stained specimens (protargol and nigrosinbutanol) of hypotrich ciliates during division allows understanding of morphogenesis of buccal structures and cirri. Midventral, frontal, and transverse cirri in both proter and opisthe of Urostyla marina differentiate from a longitudinal series of numerous oblique ciliary streaks in a manner similar to that of Bakuella, Holosticha, Keronopsii. Pseudourostyla, and Uroleptus. This pattern differs markedly from that in Amphisiella, Kahliella, Paraholosticha, and Paraurostyla, in which the fronto‐ventral and transverse cirri arise from a series of fewer (2–5) ciliary streaks in a longitudinal or fan‐like array. Rows of marginal cirri in U. marina arise independently, as in Urostyla grandis. On the basis of comparisons of both structural and morphogenetic features of this and other hypotrichs, the family Urostylidae is redefined to contain Urostyla (type), Bakuella, Holosticha, Keronopsis, Pseudourostyla, and Uroleptus. Other genera formerly contained in the families Holostichidae and Urostylidae are placed in synonymy, assigned to other families, or held in uncertain familial relationship pending their rediscovery and further investigation.

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