
Extension Scientists working in Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) have to innovate to prove their inevitable role in KVK and to establish their ability to spawn team work culture in KVK to reach the farmers effectively. In this article, an effort has been made to document the innovative strategies adopted by the Extension Scientist in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thiruvarur located in Cauvery Delta region of Tamil Nadu in India. Thirteen innovative strategies adopted have been detailed with lucid explanation. Descriptive research design has been used to document most of the strategies detailed in this article while Expost Facto research design was used for the research taken up with School Children. The innovate strategies like KVK on the Move, utilising school children as Para Extension Workers, using social networking tools for technology transfer have hogged the limelight. Training in Hybrid mode during COVID Pandemic period, uploading of Youtube videos, innovative diagnostic advisory sheet, Participatory training Evaluation, Creative Exhibition, Innovating in mobilisation of FPOs and documentation of Farmers Innovations are the other Innovative Strategies employed by the KVK, Thiruvarur. Every strategy has envisaged the participation of farmers and scientists of KVK in a partnership mode which has resulted in long lasting relationship between them which culminates not only in delivering the mandate of the KVK but also transform the Farmer-Scientist Linkage substantially.

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