
Brockhaus, M., M. Di Gregorio, and R. Carmenta. 2014. REDD+ policy networks: exploring actors and power structures in an emerging policy domain. Ecology and Society 19(4): 29. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-07098-190429


  • Policy processes are inherently linked to power struggles, where policy making is driven by political disputes and interest competition rather than being a rational, solution-oriented process (Mayntz 1993, 2001)

  • Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) can be considered as such an emerging policy domain, in which actors cooperate and conflict in network structures, build coalitions and try to control information and finance flows relevant for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)+ decision making

  • As we will see in most of the cases, where the dominant coalitions fail to tackle the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, they hinder such major policy reforms required for REDD+

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Policy processes are inherently linked to power struggles, where policy making is driven by political disputes and interest competition rather than being a rational, solution-oriented process (Mayntz 1993, 2001). Today there is an increased understanding of the role of interactions, e.g., the exchange of information or financial resources, and policy network approaches are becoming more common, few policy network analyses have employed a comparative design to investigate policy processes (Knoke et al 1996, Kriesi et al 2006, Broadbent 2010, Broadbent and Vaughter 2014), in particular in developing countries This special feature is the result of an extensive comparative research effort to investigate national level policy processes and emerging policy networks around the forest-related climate change mitigation mechanism, known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) in seven countries. Understand how policy actors exercise power and influence through interactions in policy processes

Analyze the form and role of policy coalitions in influencing policy outcomes
17. REDD Scientific Research
REDD should mainly reward local people for emission reduction activities
17. Strengthened governance is a pre-condition for successful REDD schemes
Government policy implementation
13 Foreign Government Agency
National issues
Contributions from domestic NGOs
Section 2: Policy Challenges and Opportunities
Section 4: Policy assessment and 3 Es
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