
We offer a dream|dance in visual, metaphoric, and haptic image by engaging creation-centered poetic inquiring as a unique rendering of embodied reflexivity through the arts. Our lyric text, a songscape, framed by the interplay of chorus and storying verse, enacts the movement and mood of a dance. Red threads and feathers, as partners, symbolize the voice and agency of entities becoming within the complex relational-ecologies with whom we live. This songscape advances creation-centered research by demonstrating Whitehead’s ontology of becoming—process prioritized over substance—where bodily feelings provide the earthen richness through which images, emotions, hopes, and thoughts emerge. Working from modes of reflexivity within animate paradigms advances relational consciousness by foregrounding agential landscapes, ancestors, psychscapes, and our dependent co-arising. Here, relational consciousness reveals Nature—in all its forms—as a co-creative.

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