
The decoy or deflection hypothesis, which states that conspicuous colouration is present in non-vital parts of the body to divert attacks from head and trunk, thus increasing survival probability, is a possible explanation for the presence of such colouration in juveniles of non-aposematic species. To test this hypothesis we made plasticine and plaster lizard models of two colour morphs, red or dark-and-light striped tails, based on the colouration of spiny-footed lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus) hatchlings, which naturally show a dark-and-light striped dorsal pattern and red tail. Lizard models were placed in the field and also presented to captive common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), a common avian lizard predator. The number of attacks and the body part attacked (tail or rest-of-body) were recorded, as well as the latency to attack. Our results suggest that models of both colour morphs were recognized as prey and attacked at a similar rate, but in the field, red-tailed models were detected, and thus attacked, sooner than striped-tailed. Despite this increase in detection rate by predators, red-tailed models effectively diverted attacks to the tail from the more vulnerable body parts, thus supporting the decoy hypothesis. Greater fitness benefits of attack diversion to the tail compared to the costs of increased detection rate by predators would explain the evolution and maintenance of red tail colouration in lizards.

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