
view Abstract Citations References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Red-Leak Corrections in Ultraviolet Photometry. Shao, Cheng-Yuan ; Young, Andrew T. Abstract Nearly 100 measurements of the red leak in the U band (Corning filter 9863) of the U,B,V system were made during 196#1965 at Harvard's Agassiz Station for many standard stars from O9V to M2Ia. We used a 24-in. reflector together with an uncooled RCA 1 P2 I photomultiplier and standard filters [Johnson, H. L., Basic Astronomical Data, edited by K. Aa. Strand (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1963), p. 204]. Our red-leak corrections, which are very similar to those found by Argue at Kitt Peak (Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 125, 557, 1963), are 0.01 mag. at spectral type G5V, 0.1 mag. at K3III, and about 1.0 mag. at M2Ia. An analytic representation of the correction is developed, accurate to 0.01 mag. for all stars with B-V~ 1.7. The correction values for stars of greater P-V color show considerable dispersion, and individual corrections must be obtained for each ultraviolet observation. Errors in U,B,V photometry which can be caused by' inadequate correction of the red-leak effect are discussed. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: 1965 DOI: 10.1086/109573 Bibcode: 1965AJ.....70Q.692S full text sources ADS |

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