
Clover root weevil (CRW) has now spread through the northern North Island, and south into Taranaki and Hawke's Bay r egions. Sever e infestations can decimate white clover in pasture. In 1998, 2000 and 2002, trials were estab lished on a Warkworth Northland dairy farm to test a range of legume species for resistance or tolerance to CRW damage. Trial lines were regularly assessed for relative vigour and levels of CRW damage. No plant resistance w as identified among white clover, red clover, lucerne, Lotus corniculatus, Lotus pedunculatus or Caucasian clover seed lines. A few lines were adapted to the site and showed tolerance to CRW. Red clover suf fered the least damage and tolerant selections were made from a creeping red clover and nine white clover lines. Two further trials confirmed that red clover showed the least damage. Further cycles of selection are required to develop the potential tolerance shown in field tests. Red clover or a well-adapted white clover offers potential to cope with the CRW stress. Keywords: clover root weevil, clover selections, legume tolerance, Sitona lepidus

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