
The aging of the population is considered a worldwide phenomenon. The susceptibility to chronic diseases and incapacities occur, in great part, due to the effect of aging. Parkinson's disease (PD) is among the potentially incapacitating chronic diseases. It progressively compromises movement and non-motor manifestations may occur, such as memory disturbance and depression. As far as preventive measures for advanced aging diseases and promotion of health, the development of self-help practice is outstanding. The adoption of technological resources (TR) is included in this practice and is a possible strategy to be employed by the occupational therapist to improve functionality. In this context, its utilization is related to the exercise of specific functions and to the practice of contextualized activities. The relation between the user and TR has been habitually analyzed based on the functional difficulties and identification of devices that are potentially adequate for its confrontation. However, it is considered that other referential should be contemplated such as sense attributed to the device by the user, its accessibility and its permanence in daily life. The occupational therapist analyzes the complex relation between user and device, inserted in a physical and social context. In reference to the relation between user with PD and device, it is possible to affirm that the context in which this user is inserted is frequently adverse; this user habitually lives double loss situations of autonomy and exclusion for being elderly as well as for presenting PD. It is up to the occupational therapist to conceive devices that will bring about facilitating function of relationships, favoring the recovery of the patient's autonomy and inclusion.

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