
The results of empirical comparisons of existing learning algorithms illustrate that each algorithm has a selective superiority; each is best for some but not all tasks. Given a data set, it is often not clear beforehand which algorithm will yield the best performance. In this article we present an approach that uses characteristics of the given data set, in the form of feedback from the learning process, to guide a search for a tree-structured hybrid classifier. Heuristic knowledge about the characteristics that indicate one bias is better than another is encoded in the rule base of the Model Class Selection (MCS) system. The approach does not assume that the entire instance space is best learned using a single representation language; for some data sets, choosing to form a hybrid classifier is a better bias, and MCS has the ability to determine these cases. The results of an empirical evaluation illustrate that MCS achieves classification accuracies equal to or higher than the best of its primitive learning components for each data set, demonstrating that the heuristic rules effectively select an appropriate learning bias.

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