
To evaluate angiographic findings and outcomes of uterine artery embolization (UAE) for recurrent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in a subsequent pregnancy in patients with a history of prior UAE. Between March 2004 and February 2021, UAE was performed for PPH with gelatin sponge slurry in 753 patients. Among these, 13 underwent repeat UAE for recurrent PPH after subsequent delivery. The causes of PPH, angiographic findings, hemostasis, and adverse events were evaluated. The causes of recurrent PPH included retained placental tissue (n = 9) and uterine atony (n = 4). On angiography, unilateral or bilateral uterine arteries were obliterated due to prior UAE in 10 patients (76.9%). The uterine collateral vessels were embolized (anterior division of the internal iliac artery [n = 10], round ligament [n = 5], and ovarian [n = 4] artery). In the remaining three patients with recanalized or patent (not embolized at prior UAE) uterine arteries, both uterine arteries were embolized. Immediate hemostasis was achieved in nine patients (69.2%). The remaining four patients (30.8%) with obliterated uterine arteries required hysterectomy. There were three mild adverse events (pelvic pain [n = 2] and fever [n = 1]). UAE with gelatin sponge slurry frequently causes permanent uterine artery obliteration. In cases of recurrent PPH occurring in subsequent pregnancy, repeat UAE may be less likely to achieve hemostasis (69.2%). 1. UAE with gelatin sponge slurry frequently caused permanent uterine artery obliteration.2. In recurrent PPH occurring in subsequent pregnancy, the repeat UAE may be less likely to achieve hemostasis than initial UAE.

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